Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction to a substance. It can result in rapid swelling of the throat, mouth and tongue.
This swelling may restrict the person’s ability to breath and in a lot of cases is extremely serious.
Peanut and nut allergies are common and often severe which is why they receive widespread publicity.
Other foods including shellfish/fish, Dairy products and eggs, can also cause a reaction as well as insect stings, Latex and some drugs such as Penicillin and aspirin.
Common Signs and symptoms may be:
- Redness of the skin – A rash or hives anywhere on the body.
- Swelling of the Face, Mouth and Throat – Difficulty in swallowing and speaking
- Feeling of weakness – Drop in blood pressure
- Abdominal pain – Nausea and Vomiting
- Collapse and unconsciousness
In some cases people may experience mild symptoms such as tingling or itching of the mouth and/or a localised rash, if these symptoms appear to become worse over time it is recommended that the person seeks the advice of a medical professional.
A shot of adrenaline will act quickly to constrict blood vessels, relax smooth muscles in the lungs to improve breathing, stimulate the heartbeat and help to stop swelling around the face and lips.
If you would like to be able to help someone who may be suffering from anaphylaxis, sign up for one of Demack Safety’s Occupational First Aid Courses.
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